Install the NOMAD client library

We release the NOMAD client library as a Python distutils source distribution. You can download and install it the usual way using pip (or conda).

Install from pypi

pip install nomad-lab

If pip tries to use and compile sources and this creates errors, it can be told to prefer binary version:

pip install nomad-lab --prefer-binary

Download and install latest release from nomad

curl -o nomad-lab.tar.gz
pip install ./nomad-lab.tar.gz

There are different layers of dependencies that you have to install, in order to use certain functions of NOMAD. The base install above, will only install the necessary packages for accessing the NOMAD Archive and use the NOMAD metainfo (see access the archive).

Other functions, e.g. using the NOMAD parsers to parse your code output, require additional dependencies. You can use the [extra] notation to install these extra requirements:

pip install nomad-lab[parsing]
pip install nomad-lab[infrastructure]
pip install nomad-lab[dev]
pip install nomad-lab[all]

The various extras have the following meaning:

  • parsing, everything necessary to run the parsers

  • infrastructure, everything to run NOMAD services

  • dev, additional tools that are necessary to develop NOMAD

  • all, all of the above